Sequences: 6 & 8-Step for Children

£37.19 £30.99

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From the popular Colorcard Series, this set of 48 cards provide 6-step and 8-step sequences of a variety of activities photographed in both indoor and outdoor locations. They are versatile and useful for therapeutic and educational purposes. Unexpected twists within the sequences add amusement and provide opportunities for discussion and developing conversation and communication skills. Our full Colorcard range can be found in the category to the left. More information below.

A more complex set of cards, than the Basic Sequences (13484), Simple Sequences (50726) or 4 Step Sequences (53114) from the popular Colorcards series.

The pack includes both 6-step and 8-step sequences of a variety of activities photographed in both indoor and outdoor locations.

These are versatile resources and provide opportunities for language work including syntax, grammar, vocabulary and time concepts, for therapy or education. Some rather unexpected twists add surprise and fun, with opportunities for discussion and developing vocabulary.

A boxed set of 48, with topic sequences being:

  • 6-Step: The present; Playing ball; Horse ride; Digital photograph.
    • 8-Step: Surprise birthday cake; The school bag; The bike & the scooter.
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