Top 5 Sensory Exercise Resources

It’s the Summer season and now is the time to enjoy the outdoors, and the weather. The sun complements a PERFECT opportunity to embark on a journey of sensory exploration and active exercise.

For those with learning disabilities, the world can sometimes feel overwhelming, with sensory stimuli bombarding their senses every day. But with our Move & Play range, these sensations become gateways to adventure and self-discovery!

Take a look at our featured top 5 resources to help both encourage senses and active exercise this Summer:

1. Trampoline by Rompa®

Jumping on a trampoline provides vestibular stimulation, which involves the inner ear's balance and spatial orientation. This stimulation helps improve balance, coordination, and body awareness.

It also provides significant proprioceptive input, which refers to the body's ability to sense its position and movement in space. The repetitive bouncing motion helps individuals better understand where their body is in relation to the trampoline's surface, improving proprioception.

2. Liquid Floor Tiles

Pressing down on the liquid floor tiles can offer proprioceptive feedback to the body. This input can be beneficial for improving body awareness and motor skills. When individuals step or walk on the liquid floor tiles, the fluid beneath their feet shifts, challenging their balance and coordination. This can be particularly useful for those working on improving their stability and motor planning.

Liquid floor tiles can have a calming effect on some individuals, helping to regulate emotions and reduce stress and anxiety. Liquid floor tiles can be easily adapted to accommodate different needs and abilities.

They can be placed on the floor, allowing individuals in wheelchairs or those with mobility challenges to interact with them.

3. Build N Balance Sets

Our Build N Balance Sets engage the core muscles as they work to stabilize the body. This helps strengthen core muscles, which are crucial for maintaining stability and balance in various daily activities.

Consistently using balance sets challenges and improves balance and coordination skills. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with learning disabilities or sensory issues that affect motor skills and coordination.

4. Floor Surfer

Using the floor requires coordinated movements on both sides of the body, which can help enhance bilateral coordination skills. Gliding on a body board can be a fun and enjoyable sensory experience. It encourages the exploration of different movements and encourages physical activity.

Sensory body gliders are often designed to accommodate various body sizes and abilities, making them accessible to a wide range of individuals.

5.  Hip Hop Jumping Cushion

Jumping on a cushion involves planning and executing movements, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with motor planning difficulties.

Jumping on a cushion is a fun and enjoyable activity that encourages active play and exploration. The joy and excitement of bouncing can motivate individuals to engage in the activity willingly.

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